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Senin, 04 April 2011
Minggu, 03 April 2011
Krystal's Abs Attention
Girl group f(x)’s Krystal’s abs have been revealed, and many are saying she resembles a doll.
On the 1st, Krystal went to the Seoul Youngdunpyo Times Square “Bean Pole Jean 9 by Goldie” launching with member Victoria. That day, Krystal wore a red check shirt, a white top, and jeans.
The interesting part is that her jeans were slightly short, and so was her shirt, revealing her [flat] stomach, giving a “sexy” and “flirty” feeling. With this outfit she wore killer heels, and people have been saying she resembles a “Maron Doll”
Victoria, who also went with Krystal, wore a khaki-colored military jacket, a white top, and and washing blue jeans. Also, she sported white lace-up walker heels, showing off her slim figure and getting many photos taken of her.
[Ommited, not about f(x)]
U-KISS Dongho had his pants stolen
NH Media talked about a hilarious, if not slightly disturbing incident from U-KISS’s first comeback performance this week. It turns out that moments before the boys were to go on stage, Dongho’s clothes were discovered to be missing!
On April 2nd, representatives commented, “Right before the recording for Mnet’s ‘M! Countdown‘ on March 31st, Dongho’s pants were stolen, which caused a chaotic scene. Because it was an emergency, we had to contact the production center and ask them to quickly make his pants again. Fortunately, we were able to complete the recording on time.”
U-KISS’s upbeat ballad, “0330“, has been earning a fantastic response from the public and is doing excellently on the charts, proving that the group’s departure from auto-tune and hook songs is working in their favor.
“Bran New KISS” ranked first on album charts and is even receiving orders from overseas.
On April 2nd, representatives commented, “Right before the recording for Mnet’s ‘M! Countdown‘ on March 31st, Dongho’s pants were stolen, which caused a chaotic scene. Because it was an emergency, we had to contact the production center and ask them to quickly make his pants again. Fortunately, we were able to complete the recording on time.”
U-KISS’s upbeat ballad, “0330“, has been earning a fantastic response from the public and is doing excellently on the charts, proving that the group’s departure from auto-tune and hook songs is working in their favor.
“Bran New KISS” ranked first on album charts and is even receiving orders from overseas.
Kibum and Alexander to return to U-KISS , forming a 9 member group!
NH Media’s surprising statement shocked many fans while some fans treated this as an April Fool’s Joke.The news has been confirmed by Alexander and Kibum on Twitter as well.So the possiblity of it being an April Fool’s Joke is almost 0.
Alexander and Kibum will join the other U-Kiss boys for their comeback stage on Music Bank today,stay tuned on DKPOPNEWS for more coverage on U-Kiss!
f(x), SHINee, and more on tvN's first recording for "Opera Star 2011"
Opera Star is a reality show that allows singers from different music backgrounds, be it Rock, R&B, Ballad, Trot, Hip Hop, Soul and Pop, to try and sing opera songs instead in a survival competition.
Other contestants in the program includes Jewelry‘s Eunjung, Tei, Kim Dongwook, Moon Heeok, Shin Haechul, Kim Changryul and Lim Junghee.
Opera Star will run for six weeks from March 26 to May 7, every Saturday at 11pm KST, with viewer votes and professional judges.
Kamis, 31 Maret 2011
Ddangkoma-nya Yesung Akan Disumbangkan!!!
Pada siaran SuKiRa malam ini, terdengar bahwa Yesung ingin mendonasikan Ddangkoma, kura-kuranya yang paling besar.
Yesung sempat berkata,”Ddangkoma sudah terlalu besar, aku ingin mendonasikannya.” Dan karena alasan ini juga, Yesung akhirnya memutuskan untuk membeli Kko Ming, puppy-nya yang baru.
Yesung juga berkata, “Kura-kura berumur panjang…Kuharap Ddangkoma akan datang ke pemakamanku.” Serta sebuah pesan untuk pemelihara Ddangkoma : “Ddangkkoma adalah kura-kura darat, jangan taruh dia di dalam air. Dia tidak dapat berenang…” ㅋㅋ.. Ddangkkoma ~ Entah dimana pun kau berada, jaga kesehatan!.”
Menurut kabar, Yesung akan mendonasikan Ddangkoma besok. Dan ELF pasti tahu,bagaimana perasaan Yesung oppa sekarang…
“Tak peduli seberapa besar dirimu, seberapa cepat kau tumbuh,aku akan menjagamu, aku akan merawatmu, karena kau bagian hidupku , Ddangkoma“–Yesung

Yesung sempat berkata,”Ddangkoma sudah terlalu besar, aku ingin mendonasikannya.” Dan karena alasan ini juga, Yesung akhirnya memutuskan untuk membeli Kko Ming, puppy-nya yang baru.
Yesung juga berkata, “Kura-kura berumur panjang…Kuharap Ddangkoma akan datang ke pemakamanku.” Serta sebuah pesan untuk pemelihara Ddangkoma : “Ddangkkoma adalah kura-kura darat, jangan taruh dia di dalam air. Dia tidak dapat berenang…” ㅋㅋ.. Ddangkkoma ~ Entah dimana pun kau berada, jaga kesehatan!.”
Menurut kabar, Yesung akan mendonasikan Ddangkoma besok. Dan ELF pasti tahu,bagaimana perasaan Yesung oppa sekarang…
“Tak peduli seberapa besar dirimu, seberapa cepat kau tumbuh,aku akan menjagamu, aku akan merawatmu, karena kau bagian hidupku , Ddangkoma“–Yesung
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
Kibum 'U-KISS' sakit!!
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
SS501's Kim Hyung Jun completes debut album showcase
Fellow member Park Jung Min and younger brother Kim Ki Bum attended the event in support of his solo debut, and watched on as he proceeded to perform his title track, “oH! aH!,” amongst other songs, as well as unveil his music video for the first time.
Through a short press conference with reporters, Kim Hyung Jun revealed his plans for his future activities, as well as the meaning of his album.
He explained that although “My Girl” seemed like a song about love, the album’s overall message was meant to express his desire to become closer with his fans. Kim Hyung Jun stated, “I know that working solo is hard, but it was thanks to the fans that were always there shouting for me and looking for me that I was able to choose this path, knowing that it will be difficult.”
His mini album will drop on March 8th, which will be followed by a large-scale promotion covering all of Asia.
Park Jung Min to return with "Sweet Chic" next month
After wrapping up his solo debut with “Not Alone” earlier this year, SS501’s Park Jung Min is back again with his next album, “Sweet Chic“!
Despite promoting all around Asia for his album tour, Park Jung Min was said to have taken time out of his schedule to produce a new album out of gratitude for the love his fans have shown for his solo debut.
The singer shared photos from his album jacket photoshoot with photographer Han Dong Won, and updated fans on his progress with the new album. He also expressed his determination in showing a bigger variety of his charms.
A representative of his agency commented, “Fans will definitely be captivated with Park Jung Min’s charms once more through his next album, ‘Sweet Chic.’”
The album is scheduled for release in the beginning of April.
Park Jung Min to release a new song for his birthday
Park Jung Min is releasing a new song in celebration of his birthday! The star wanted to share the special occasion with his beloved fans, and what better way to do it then by unveiling a musical treat?
The new song is called “Like Tears Are Falling“, and is scheduled for release on April 1st through a digital music channel. It’s a great prelude to his new mini-album, “THE, PARK JUNG MIN“, which will drop on the 7th. The singer has also created a 40-page photobook to be included with his new album.
Be sure to check back with allkpop for more Park Jung Min updates!
Senin, 28 Maret 2011
Fan Meeting Suju M di China mendapatkan perlakuan yang “Tidak Manusiawi”??
Menilik kinerja dunia hiburan China. Mereka negara super power, besar, tapi terkenal memang sedikit “serampangan” terutama soal keselamatan pekerja, berbanding jauh dengan negara tetangga mereka yang betul – betul menomorsatukan keselamatan para pekerja. Kali ini menyorot dengan hasil fanmeeting Suju-M yang menurut fans yang saat itu menonton sangat amat “tidak manusiawi”.
Selain panggung yang terkesan kotor dan tidak terawat, para member Suju-M terpaksa duduk lesehan di lantai panggung karena tidak memiliki pilihan lain, tidak ada spot yang bersih untuk diduduki dan mereka terpaksa melakukannya karena sudah terlalu lelah karena proses recording.
Kyuhyun duduk dengan membelakangi fansnya, di berdiam di pojok dan menekuk mukanya, sangat jelas terlihat ia sangat tidak nyaman dengan kondisi panggung yang semerawut. dan ditambah rasa sentimen terhadap status mereka yang warga negara Korea. Para staff China terlihat tidak begitu senang karena dimata mereka artis Korea terlalu banyak menuntut dan terlalu Perfeksionis dalam pekerjaan. Suju-M mengulang rekaman hingga 5 kali demi hasil yang sempurna dan hal itu yang tidak disenangi para staff China.
Kemudian banyak terjadi kecelakaan kecil, tapi fans ini berkata ” Bersyukur Tuhan masih melindungi mereka “
Ada satu bagian pembuka dimana Eunhyuk & Zhoumi turun dari lift. Jika mereka tidak melakukan latihan rutin yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, Eunhyuk kemungkinan bisa terluka dan paling parah bisa cacat. karena kualitas lift yang digunakan sama sekali tidak memenuhi syarat. Terutama sisi tempat Eunhyuk berdiri, papan-papan telah dalam kondisi rapuh, dan sewaktu – waktu bisa ambruk ke bawah. Lift setengah miring, kalau mereka tidak menjaga keseimbangan dipastikan 100 persen mereka akan terjun kebawah.
Selain itu panggung yang seharusnya menjadi zona aman malah menjadi tempat berbahaya karena banyak kabel – kabel menjuntai kebawah dan wajah Siwon hampir tergores kabel baja saat naik dari bawah ke atas. Selain itu,, mesin fogging, gas air mata, dll sungguh mengganggu dan tidak ada tempat untuk melarikan diri.
Produksi Taiwan lebig baik ripaa prouksi china, fans meminta agar SM membawa mereka kembali ke Korea, karena kondisi fisik mereka yang terlihat sudah mencapai batas.
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Alexander operasi Lasik!!
Alexander lelah memakai kacamata dan mencoba untuk operasi lasik agar matanya normal kembali.
Setelah kembali dari Busan, Alexander memang ingin menjalani operasi lasik.
Alexander memposting lewat akun twitter pribadinya bahwa dia sangat senang sekaligus nervous akan menjalankan operasi mata.
Untuk lengkapnya, bisa dilihat di postingan twitternya
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