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Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Random And Funny Facts About SNSD :)

-Yuri is the organized queen.
-Yuri can make everybody tolerant when she starts fooling around.
-Yuri loves Mickey Mouse.
-Yuri can play violin.

-Jessica loves to sleep..
-Jessica hates cUcUmbers
-Jessica hates any melon related frUit.

-Sunny hides food and keeps chestnuts in her purse.
-Sunny is the smallest member of SNSD.

-Hyohyeon hates the feeling of not brushing right after yoU eat.
-HyohYeon has 14 ear piercings. She also has one on her tongue.

-Soo Young and Sunye (wonder girls) were schoolmates
-Soo Young is the certified gamer and joker in SNSD.
-Soo Young can eat 3 scoops of ice cream in 5 minutes.

-Tae Yeon run away several times from the dorm during training days because of exhaustion.
-Tae Yeon wants to be a Math Teacher.
-Tae Yeon talks while sleeping
-Tae Yeon’s phone was once lost and it was found inside the refrigerator

-Tiffany used to speak Korean in American accent.
-Tiffany can play flute so well.
-When Tiffany gets excited, her pitch becomes high like an ambulance siren.

-Seo Hyun is an only child.
-Seo Hyun can play piano.

-Yoona had a big crush on Micky (TVXQ) during training days.
Thanks to Narriel of GGPH
fans added:
Kim TaeYeon used to play RF ONLINE i think she was BELLATO
girls generation was supposed to debut as a 12-member girl band
Yoona is the 2nd shikshin (big eater) of the group
>Jessica, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon had the longest training years (7 years)
>Sunny was the last to join the group
>Yoona and Taeyeon were the only ones who did the auditions… the rest were scouted
>Sooyoung was once in a Japanese duo named Route 0Read More
>Taeyeon sleep walks before
>Jessica cries when angry
>Seohyun is the slowest member in taking a bath
>Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Wonder Girls’ Sunye were schoolmates
>Yoona and Seohyun were schoolmates
>Sunny and Yuri are the ones who get the choreography wrong most of the time… Tiffany is only unlucky that her mistakes are always the one captured by the camera…
>Yoona’s first drama (not a lead role) was “9 ends 2 outs”
>Jessica would choose sleeping over eating…

>Yoona is the strongest
>Hyoyeon studied in China for a month (?) and gained weight… the time she came back to Korea, Sooyoung called her Princess Fiona… She didn’t know who Princess Fiona was, but being called a Princess, she was happy… until the time she learned who Princess Fiona was…
>Taeyeon and Tiffany lived in the same dorm during their training years, before they transferred to SNSD’s dorm
>Taeyeon is a fruit-peeler expert
>SNSD’s favorite MC is Yoo JaesukRead More
>Jessica and Tiffany are from the US… Jessica is from San Francisco and Tiffany is from LA
>Seohyun wakes up at 7 am to read books
>Jessica once played soccer in her school
>previous room assignments:
1. Yoona, Taeyeon, & Sooyoung
2. Jessica & Hyoyeon
3. Yuri & Sunny
4. Seohyun & Tiffany
>new room assignments:
1. Yoona & Yuri
2. Jessica & Sooyoung
3. Taeyeon & Sunny
4. Seohyun & Hyoyeon
5. Tiffany

so Cute and Funny ♥
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